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Territorial limitations of our interventions

Countries and regions that are excluded from our assistance contracts

One of the main assets of Europ Assistance is that it offers a variety of possibilities for intervention abroad thanks to its extensive network of correspondents and service providers. However, in certain specific circumstances, the local situation can deteriorate so much or become so dangerous that our local correspondents can no longer act in an effective and safe manner or no longer have the essential logistic tools to help the traveller.

This is the reason these countries can be (temporarily) excluded from the contract. In accordance with the contractual provisions of the Europ Assistance travel assistance, these are countries and regions:

  • in a state of war or civil war;
  • where security is threatened by insurrections, riots, popular agitations, acts of terrorism;
  • where the free circulation of persons and goods is restricted or impeded;
  • or that are hit by strikes or other fortuitous events that prevent Europ Assistance from complying with its contractual interventions.

For the assessment of the political situation or the safety in the countries involved, Europ Assistance follows the advice and recommendations of the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

International sanctions

The covered countries (or one or more of their regions) can fall under a sanction policy issued by the United Nations, the European Union, or any other applicable sanction, which prevents us from executing all or part of our contractual obligations. The list of countries and regions affected is subject to potential changes. At this moment, it contains the following countries and regions (updated 10/05/2022):

Countries or regions that are excluded (no intervention is possible):

North Korea
Russian Federation
Myanmar (Burma)
Ukrainian regions annexed by the Russian Federation (annexation not recognized by Belgium): Crimea, Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporijia, Kherson.

Country for which our intervention for citizens of the United States is subject to certain conditions:


For citizens of the United States who travel to Cuba, the execution of assistance services or payment of services is subject to the presentation of evidence that the travel to Cuba complies with the United States legislation. The notion 'citizen of the United States' refers to any person, regardless of where they are, who has American citizenship or who usually resides in the United States (including Green Card holders).

More information can be found on the following websites:

Unites States of America : https://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/sanctions/Pages/default.aspx
European Union : https://www.sanctionsmap.eu/#/main
United Nations : https://www.un.org/securitycouncil/sanctions/information

Should you require more information, we invite you to contact our Customer service during office hours by phone on 02/541.91.91.

Check out our blog post about excluded countries
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