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Complaint Management

At Europ Assistance, the satisfaction of our customers is a priority. The quality of our service is important to us, which is why we strive to constantly improve our quality level.

We therefore strongly appreciate that you send us your complaint or remark. They will be very useful to evaluate and evolve our organization.

Dealing with complaints - by phone

If you have a complaint when processing your file, please let us know as soon as possible by phone through the person with whom you are in contact. A simple conversation can often resolve a dispute. If the complaint is about an interlocutor with whom you can not find a solution, you can always ask to speak to the head of the department.

Complaint Handling - Written

If you wish to lodge a complaint after processing the file, or if your problem could not be solved by telephone, you can contact our Complaints Officer at the following address:

Europ Assistance
To the attention of the Complaints Officer
Cantersteen 47
1000 Brussels
E-mail: complaints@europ-assistance.be

Or via the website by completing the contact form under the heading "Complaint".

Conduct of the written procedure

We strive to resolve your complaint as soon as possible. Our litigation department acts independently of all operational services. Your file will be reviewed objectively and if necessary we will ask you for additional information. If we are unable to respond within the week regarding the content of the complaint, we will attempt to confirm receipt of your complaint within 3 business days.

Our goal is to handle all complaints within the month. Should this period be exceeded, we will inform you of the reason and we will keep you informed of the progress of the procedure. After closing the inquiry, you will receive a written response from us.

If the answer to your complaint does not satisfy you, you can contact:

Insurance Ombudsman
Square of Meeûs, 35
1000 Brussels