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Consumer Protection

Legal information

Access to the information available on the website of Europ Assistance Belgium www.europ-assistance.be is subject to these terms of use.

By accessing and using the site, you agree, automatically and unconditionally, to be bound by all these conditions, to the exclusion of all others.

Europ Assistance Belgium reserves the right to modify and update at any time, and without notice, these terms of use, access to the site and its content. Thus, we advise you to consult them regularly.

Information on the Europ Assistance Belgium website

This website contains general information about Europ Assistance Belgium, its services and products. The website also contains information for commercial and advertising purposes.

Europ Assistance Belgium takes the utmost care in the quality of its website, both in terms of content and accessibility. It implements all reasonable means to provide correct and up-to-date data on Europ Assistance Belgium's website. Europ Assistance Belgium may thus modify, at any time and without prior notice to the internet user, the information on the Europ Assistance Belgium website and, in this context, interrupt access to all or part of Europ Assistance Belgium's website. .

The information, opinions and simulations on the website are only intended for Belgian residents.

They are provided without guarantee and without liability of Europ Assistance Belgium, except gross negligence or intentional on his part. They are valid only on the date they are provided and Europ Assistance Belgium can not guarantee the accuracy, the absence of error, the completeness and / or the update.

The information provided does not constitute an offer of services or insurance products unless these are explicitly stated as such. Even in the latter case, the validity of the offer would be expressly limited to the persons consulting or using the site in Belgium, to the exclusion of all others. For specific information, professional advice or an offer, you must contact Europ Assistance Belgium or your intermediary (insurance broker or bank branch authorized by Europ Assistance Belgium).

Products and services on the Europ Assistance Belgium website

Insurance and other products and services on the Europ Assistance Belgium website are intended only for Belgian residents. They are provided as is, without warranty and without liability of Europ Assistance Belgium, unless gross negligence or intentional on his part.

The rates available on Europ Assistance Belgium's website are valid only on the date they are provided. They are not worth offering to contract unless they are accompanied by a purchase order. The provisions of this paragraph apply only in the absence of express stipulations to the contrary on the Europ Assistance Belgium website.

The insurance products of Europ Assistance Belgium are valid for a maximum of one year. One-year contracts are implicitly renewed for one year on the due date.

A concise indication of coverage will be communicated to you based on your expectations and needs during the underwriting process. Europ Assistance Belgium is not obliged to provide an independent information sheet.

Property and intellectual property rights

The website of Europ Assistance Belgium constitutes a creation protected by copyright. The trademarks, logos, graphics, photographs, animations, videos and texts contained on the site are the intellectual property of Europ Assistance Belgium or its partners. Therefore, they can not be reproduced, used or represented without the prior written permission of Europ Assistance Belgium or face prosecution.

Hypertext links

Except gross negligence or intentional on its part, Europ Assistance Belgium can not be held responsible for the hypertext links that are created from websites of third parties to the website of Europ Assistance Belgium, nor the content of these sites. Any creation of a hypertext link to the home page or secondary pages, files or applications of Europ Assistance Belgium's website, for commercial or non-commercial purposes, must be subject to prior and express authorization from Europ Assistance Belgium. Framing of all or part of Europ Assistance Belgium's website is strictly prohibited without the prior written permission of Europ Assistance Belgium.

In addition, unless gross or intentional fault on its part, Europ Assistance Belgium does not provide any guarantee and is not liable for any hypertext links created on Europ Assistance Belgium's website to third party websites, or regarding the content of these websites. Access to these websites is at the sole risk of the user, the latter being well aware that these websites may be subject to other conditions of use, other provisions for the protection of the Internet. privacy and / or in general to rules other than those applicable for the Europ Assistance Belgium website. Europ Assistance Belgium is not responsible for compliance by these websites with the legislation and regulations in force.

Internet user communications

Unless otherwise stipulated, any communication by the internet user concerning the Europ Assistance Belgium website must be sent to the following email address: [market@europ-assistance.be] (mailto: market@europ-assistance.be).

Any communication containing data, questions, comments, ideas and suggestions, transmitted to Europ Assistance Belgium by e-mail or by any other means, will be considered as non-confidential, subject to Europ Assistance Belgium's duty of discretion and rights Internet users, in particular by the law on the protection of privacy. Subject to compliance with the same reservations, any communication may, within 5 years of its transmission and without any compensation of any kind whatsoever, be reused, copied in whole or in part, modified and rebroadcast by Europ Assistance Belgium, in any form by any means and for any purpose.

Applicable rules and competent authorities

The present conditions of use of Europ Assistance Belgium's website are subject to Belgian law.

Belgian courts and tribunals are the only ones competent in case of disputes concerning our services.

Europ Assistance Belgium has adhered to the following codes of conduct:

Assuralia rules of conduct for claims management, available on the ASSURALIA website: [www.assuralia.be] (http://www.assuralia.be)

Rules of conduct of the insurance company, available on the ASSURALIA website: [www.assuralia.be] (http://www.assuralia.be)

Pre-contractual information

Insurance company

Europ Assistance Belgium, succursale belge d’Europ Assistance SA, assureur de droit français ayant son siège social au 2 rue Pillet-Will, 75009 Paris , France (451 366 405 RCS Nanterre).


Cantersteen 47 to 1000 Brussels
Business Number: TVA BE 0738.431.009 RPM Brussels
Tel: + 32 (2) 533 75 75
Fax: +32 (2) 533 77 88
E-mail : admin@europ-assistance.be
Website : www.europ-assistance.be

Agréée sous le code 0888 pour les branches 1,9,13,16 et 18 sous la surveillance de la Banque Nationale de Belgique, Boulevard de Berlaimont 14, 1000 Bruxelles.

Accident, branch 1
Damage to property, branch 9
General R.C. Branch 13
Various pecuniary loss, branch 16
Assistance, branch 18

Communication & Service

The information and communications exchanged between Europ Assistance Belgium and you will be in the language of your choice or in the language you use to communicate.

You have the choice between French and Dutch.

With regard to these insurance contracts, Europ Assistance Belgium offers insurance intermediation services which include advice, proposals, offers, preparatory work for the conclusion of the insurance contracts mentioned above as well as the execution and management of the contract.


If you take out a contract the legal amounts of taxes are 9.25% for the person assistance part and 16.75% on the car part. You will receive, in accordance with the regulations in force, an appropriate report on the insurance contracts you have concluded, on the insurance intermediation services provided to you, as well as information on your costs and expenses, which are included. in the premium.

Complaint Management

Independent complaint management service of Europ Assistance Belgium.

Address: Complaints, Cantersteen 47 to 1000 Brussels
E-mail address: [complaints@europ-assistance.be] (mailto: complaints@europ-assistance.be)
Phone: +32 (2) 541 90 48 Monday to Thursday from 10 to 12 am and from 2 to 4 pm

The Insurance Ombudsman:

Address: Square of Meeus35, 1000 Brussels
Phone: +32 (2) 547 58 71
Fax: +32 (2) 547 59 75
Website: ombudsman

Conflicts of interest

In order to protect the interests of its customers, Europ Assistance Belgium has drawn up a policy designed to prevent potential conflicts of interest that may arise during the provision of insurance mediation services from harming its clients.

The main potential conflicts of interest that may arise have been identified and taken into account in the development of the conflict of interest policy. The list of conflicts of interest is managed by the Compliance Officer and is regularly updated.

3 different relationships have been identified where a client may be at a disadvantage due to a conflict of interest.

Customer - Europ Assistance Belgium (including employees and related agents)
Customer - Intermediate (who sells a Europ Assistance Belgium product)
Customer - Third party (including service providers and other customers)

The following types of conflicts of interest have been identified:

the financial interest
personal links / interests / goals
conflicts inherent to the group structure

Conflicts of interest are managed by different measures and controls so that there is no negative impact on the customer. These measures can be classified into 4 categories:

######Documents and management code

The procedures
Training and quality checks

If a conflict of interest can not be avoided and could harm the customer, Europ Assistance Belgium will inform the customer in a clear and unequivocal way. If you want more information, our conflict of interest policy will be sent to you on request.

Address: Europ Assistance Belgium c/o. Compliance Officer, Cantersteen 47, 1000 Brussels

E-mail address: compliance@europ-assistance.be